so here we are once again. Still together and looking forward to what future will bring.
We have both spoken all nigth long,and found that we love eachother more than anything in this world. And we will do everything we can to make this relationship work.
So today we both decided to do something for you guys.
We wanted to share with you some of our great moments we had for the past 1st year. haha,not all MOMENTS ;)
We really put down our hearts into this,and hope you will like it.
Apologize if some of the pictures aren't the best quality.
Much love from us.
Keep the love going.
Patrick & Avi
Video Diary
Saturday, December 30, 2006
More great News.
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Great News..
Yesterday ( Thursday) I spoke to my wife in the Philippines.
She wants to come back to Thailand and see me again.
Both know we cant be without eachother and have decided work things out whatever the problem is.
Our love is too SPECIAL and STRONG to let go,just like that...
Im so happy for these news,and cant wait to see her again tonight ;)
Sorry If I got you guys worried and confused there for a while. But relationships are hard and not everyone is professional in the subject.
As long as people want to learn and do things better. We should always support that kind of belief. After all, it starts with your own belief's.
So this year wont finish bad after all ;)
Hope you will have faboulous time on New year and a great start for the next Year.
Much love
"Lucky' I loved your idea for the calender shoot.Thanks man.....
Same idea almost what French photographer Ludovic wanted.
Will take your idea under consideration and discuss it with Ludovic.
Keep you posted.
For my I will update it shortley.
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Friday, December 29, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Announcement !
Now' YOU ' have the possibility to be part of creating my Personal Calender for 2007.
In January i will be creating my own personal calender that you will be able to order from my website. I know its a bit late,but better late then never ;)
My plan for the calender was going to be nude,black and white photographie. But since I have a very big Shampoo( Clinic Clear ) Tv-commercial for Asia pacific and maybe worldwide early January next year. Im not sure if the client would like that. So know im re-thinking the concept for my Calender.
Last week I had a meting with a great photographer from france(Ludovic Cazeba)
His work reminds me about David Lachapelle. Very Fashion and sureal. So his idea for the shoot was to create 12 different creative stories. With all these ideas in my head Im stuck in between of how it will look like.
I would like to ask YOU as my reader. Do YOU have any idea that would fit for my calender. All idea's will be taken under cosideration and will be very appreciated.
Please email or post it here under comments
Much love
Your supermodel.
Patrick ;)
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday night out
Christmas Dinner with my modeling agency(Modemodels Bangkok).
dinner with the agency was great. had a fabulous time throughout the hole night. Afterwards,I ended up partying the night away at a ngithspot called"Flick"..
At the dinner we talked about how the market has changed alot in Thailand the last 3 years. There are many new smaller agencies opening up and undercutting the market by selling new beginner models for cheaper price. From my point of view. You also get what you bargain for ;)
So I gave the agency)Modemodels) my perspective on how my agency in Mumbai(India) going to be.
Currently the owner of modemodels havent spend much time for the agency(Modemodels,as he is involved with many other business ventures in Thailand.
And thats like having a ship without a captain.
The bookers at modemodels have been in the industry for very long time and knows the business well.
But still they need that extra guidance a leader only can give.
I really hope the owner is coming back soon,I know he will.
And I will be there to support them ;)
If you want to check their website. They are great.....
ps I wasent able to take any pictures or interviews yesterday. I found out in the taxi that the phone had ran out of battery,grrrrr....
But my friend (Nathan) from Syndey just recent emailed me some pictures from the Christmas night.
I look a bit trash here. But I guess thats ok as well,hee ;)
My friend (Nathan) me and Avi.
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
last night(Monday) I did my digestion,of the time spent with my ex-wife Avi.
Today I feel great and ready to celebrate the New year with Champange and Party.
I wont be making any wishes for the next year though.
Dont belive in that anymore,its just wishes
I have told my self im just going to do it.
Whatever it takes to achive the top of my game,ethically of course.
Tonight there will be a dinner with the agency(modemodels) and all their models.
Im sure there will be alot of good photos and interviews to look out for ;)
Ps: Hope you had better christmas then I did. And for 'Mikey" god bless you man.
Keep your comments and emails coming.
Love to hear what you guys are hinking ;)
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Today I broke up wih my wife after 9 month's..
She will be leaving back to the Philippines. My life will continue here on this blog..
Im not that sad,and shouldnt be. I did everything good,and in my power to make her happy.
But I wont tolerate people who is tormenting me and my PASSION for FASHION.
This gives me my freedom back.. And I will surley enjoy it.
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Monday, December 25, 2006
To all my readers.
Thank you for reading my blogg and sending me your emails.
It feels really great to know there are beautitul people, like YOU. That appreciate's my work ;)
Much Love,
Your Supermodel,
Christmas Gift for my self.
Cinema with popcorn. And two Books.
I watched the movie'Happy feet'.
Go check it out... Its a great movie.
Bought these books as well.
Also I have more news from the PETA AD CAMPAIGN.
Copy and paste to your adress bar.
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), with more than a million members and supporters, is the largest animal rights organization in the world. Founded in 1980, PETA is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. PETA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment.
PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in laboratories, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry. We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of beavers, birds and other "pests," and the abuse of backyard dogs.
PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns.
& Makeup
Famous Photographer and good friend P. yai
He is very fun to shoot with and the work is always masterpiece,. Don't talk to much,but when he does. He give some funny comments.haha.... I like that :)
Me with Campaign Manager Rochelle Regodon and Director Jason Baker of PETA Organization.
Jason Baker has been with PETA for 12 years and been traveling around the world doing Ad campaign shoots with celebrities, with us as the most recent for the Anti-Zoo campaign.
Other celebrities involved with PETA.
Marucs Schenkenberg
Joaquin Phoenix
Dennis Rodman
Tommy Lee
Filipino actor:
Diether Ocampo
My beautiful Wife'Avi Siwa' and me.
There was alot of flashes from cameras going off at the shoot for 5-10 minutes.
The media was crazy for this shoot. it was around 10 different Tv channels local and internationl including 'Reuters' and the masses of journalists from News Papers.
Same day we apperad on every Tv Channel in Thailand and some International. News Paper all over the world was publishing our photos from our shoot. The pictures even came up on some newspapers front page,on their website.
Nice ........
Check this link for more..
U need to copy and paste it to the adress bar.
Photos Under:
Me in Zoo Park Pattaya(Thailand a few years ago. Already then I feelt bad,how these animals are forced to live their lifes.
Help us to stop this ABUSE OF ANIMALS. Its just not right.
Please leave me your comment.
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Friday, December 22, 2006
Meting up with my Longtime Gay friends at Siam square.
There are among the best guys ever I cum across. True Honest,Caring and fun. Just like true friends should be.
We use to party like crazy all of us in Koh Panghan'Fullmoon Party"(thailand).
Its the biggest party in the world and only happends every fullmoon. people are coming from all over the world to join this amazing party. You should try as well ;)
Here we are at Siam Square and just having some beer and chit-Chatting the night away.
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Friday, December 22, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Shooting Lips Magazine Bangkok (Thailand)
Breakfeast and Lunch. Sometime,junk food do come handy. Especially when out running and dont have that much time to eat a more lovley set of meal.
Hair & Makeup
Actually,this makeup artist ive been working with so many times in Thailand I cant remember how many. Anyway,I had a photo in my portfolio from a Motorola Print ad. I shoot long time ago in Bangkok. And it turns out she was the one doing makeup for the job.
Stylist Kun.Chade,me and photographer Kim
Ps: Today I recived pictures from my modeling Agency in Singapore. Work I did couple of month back for"Bridal Wear". The female model" Tatiana" I shoot with,she's the face of 'Alexander Mqueen' campaign worldwide. She was nice as a person and very professional to work with.
How do you like it ?
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Monday, December 18, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
This is the Job I cast for on Friday @ Red models Agency Soi Ari 5.
Its a underwear job for China. It turns out I have worked with the photographer before in Guangzhou(China). The world is really small.
Hair & Make Up
Model Maria from Brazil.
Our Refreshments for the day along with fresh Coconuts.Mmmmmm....
Maria at Work.
Having fun between the shoots.
Wardrobe for the shoot.
Lunch Break.
Joking around with the chinese client. They are super fun people to work with,especially this client.
After Lunch,back to work. This time by the pool and next to the beach.
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Worlwide Campaign..... Casting for Shoe Wear
Casting at Chamnie Eye studio at Rama 9.
Me with old friend,Model Aaron from Canada.
Model talk with models Daniel and Sean.
Struting my stuff for the camera. Check out how i'm working the camera. A good tip if you want to achive more success as model. Practice and practice facial expressions and Body laungage at any time given. Visualize in your head,how the client would like his shoot to look like at the end.
This give me flashback about a model who I spoke with 2 years ago. He told me" I dont like working here in Thailand and Asia,the budgets are so low etc Bla bla bla".. I rather go back to New York and make one job a week,and make big money". Yes,he is so right. But he will be limited in what to give to the camera. Since lack of experience... Infact the money are greater in America. Depending on how you WORK IT !
I told him...I rather be here in Asia,doing jobs everyday'MAYBE' making a bit less. But what I learn is something you cant buy with money. That is'Experience". And this'Ex[perience' is to a great Value if you want to become a Topmodel and make those really BIG MONEY IN AMERICA. The key to success is not in thinking money. Think Experience first. My dad always use to tell me that. Patrick remember,always be in the best place where you get the best practice and then later the money will follow. I love my dad for telling me that.
Remember when working the modeling scene. Its important to know how to Act. This is really one of the most important key factors,mixed with good looks and great personality. Find your formula that works for you,and stay true to it. It cant go wrong ;)
Ps: I didnt get the Alcohol Print job for India with Studio Magenta Thailand.
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Friday, December 15, 2006