Dear Players,
Today I’m not in the best mood to make videos or post anything to my blog.
But I need to, no matter what. Can’t let things get to my head, just because thing’s aren’t working around me.
Yesterday I did second day video shoot that I had started on monday.
I arrived at the location, which is around 40 minutes outside “Seoul”.
Got there at 4 Pm i the afternoon. My job was suppose to go on for only 5 hours after makeup is done. It turned out, I had to wait for fucking 12 hours before getting to do my acting with the camera. I don’t really complain about waiting for a shoot to happen, because I always have my laptop with me. And there is a lot of work I need to get done before end of this year. So sit around making money from not doing anything is Ok with me.
As long as I get somethings done while waiting.
So in the morning hours around 04.00 am, been waiting for almost 12 hours to shoot. Me and my manager got hungry and left to buy some food in a convenience store 5 minutes away from location. Haven’t sleep anything during the night and not been eating that well. The brain isn’t working that much to be honest. We all know that. But It doesn’t make me irresponsible to forget my wallet. Yep, I forgot my wallet, from what I believe in the car. But today while asking my manager if the bag is still in the car. He told me it can’t be found anywhere in the car. At the location we had a bus, where we did our make up and changes of outfits. I had stored my brown leather bag there, but not my wallet bag. I always carry my brown wallet bag with me. Never let it out of sight... So its strange how I can lose it totally yesterday. Inside my bag I had(Visa Card, Tax card for my business in India, Driver license, (Marc Ecko) Watch,
Today(Thursday) I think the answer must be. I happen to put my wallet up on the roof to the agency car while opening the door, because I had so many things in my hand. I ha[[en to put it there on the rooftop. So damn stupid. But hey, I can’t complain, after all I am a model ha ha ha ;)..
In fact all these things happen for reasons. And it couldn’t come in a better time the now. Since I have told you about my thing with Avi(my ex-wife) Losing my wallet , has strengthen my belief a lot more, It wasn’t meant to be after all.. I emailed her today and told about me losing the wallet the other day.
I sad I can see apattern between losing her and the wallet. Because I really tried everything today to find my wallet or my love, I Contacted everyone, production house, clients, convenience store, police,and the people who clean the streets, But now where to be found. Somethings in life doesn’t want to be found by YOU ! MAYBE ?
Losing the wallet made me realize, you lose something. But the next day, you will replace it eventually and ocne its replaced. You will look over your stuff a bit more carefully. But sometimes even if we do look after our stuff carefully, doesn’t mean we have the time or luck with us on that day. That’s why we have bigger reasons.. Why we should all live like its our last day and really appreciate life and the moemnt we live in.
Don’t know how I could explain this in a better way.
I'm sure you "PLAYERS " understand.
Much love,
At the agency doing some work, before Job.
At location for vide shoot. Grabbed myself some lunch..
Paula and Carlos are shooting their scenes before me..
Hair & Make up
Male model "Eudardo" from Brazil.
Makeup KIT !
I'm ready to go ;)
Working on my laptop as usual.
Posing with "Paula" from Brazil.
Ahhh, what are you guys up to. Hmmmm. want me to leave the room ;)
Lunch is served. Unfortunately not on a table. But on the street ;) hee.. Like I sad before. Modeling is not always glamorous ;)
But who car'e ?? There are people starving in the world... Please welcome and take a seat ;)
Chilling out after the lunch...
Acting like a typicall model ;)
Our car has tv etc. All those necessary things that helps time move..
Light team truck
Eduardo and me very sleepy by now..
Camera, ready, set, Action !
Poor crew team. Been working for 5 day's straight now. And most of them haven't been home to their own houses because of work. Hmmmmm.. They where sleeping at any place available an dark , heee..
Even manager Tahee fell asleep.
Waiting for my TURN!
Manager " Taehee" just woke up..
My outfit, but it had to be chnaged. Not futuristic enough for this shot.
Touch up before the scene !
Eventually, I get to do my thing ! After 12 hours of waiting ;)
Photos from today, while visiting the modeling agency. Thought I just share it with you all.
I kind of look like a mixture in between tarzan and Mowgli from the cartoon. Or what do you think ?
Like I mention before. Its time to show the world who's the UNIVERSAL PLAYER ;) NEW YORK BE READY :)
Here's a photo my ex-wife send to me today. We kind of remind of eachother. DONT WE ???
Except that I'm more prettier then her right ;) haha.. Nooo. just joking.......... ;)
Avi if you read this. I only joking baby .. Friends for ever ;) Love. Patrick
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Thursday, May 17, 2007
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