Dear Player,
Lately I have been receiving emails about my workout program and health blog RIBBFIT.
Havne't been able to post much about my fitness and health to this blog. So today I actually approach a very good blog site who writes about Fitness and health. Just what I'm looking for now.
I gave them a proposal to also post their details to my RIBBFIT blog.
If this follow through, i'll hope there will be many good useful information to my fitness blog. I will also add on some of my personal workout tips to RIBBFIT.
This is how I wrote my proposal (Its not the best, but I didn what I could). Thought I might share it with you, since you all are getting to know me better by now. Maybe you 'PLAYERS' can learn something from it, or hopefully you can teach me something by leaving a comment.
I guess we are all here to share and improve ourself's ;)
Hi Really Useful Fitness Blog !
My name is Patrick Ribbsaeter Aka UNIVERSAL PLAYER (
I came across your blog while searching fitness blogs. I really like what you
guys are posting.
I'm actually working on many different blogs myself at the moment.
One of my blogs are about fitness, since I dont have much time to do posting
there. I'm looking for someone(lke your blog) to team up with.
I would like to propose a proposal that would be interesting for both of us.
My question to you is. Are you interested to have your postings about
fitness/health as well posted on my blog( everytime you do a post. In the end
of every post there will be a link directly back to your blog page.
Would love to hear if you guys are interested to team up with me as I have a very interesting readers who would like to hear more about fitness and health ?
I'm very open to all suggestions on how we can work something out ;)
Best Regards and hope to hear from you soon.
Patrick ;)
P.S. I don't know if this will work, but let's hope for the best ;)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Thursday, May 10, 2007
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