Sunday, January 14, 2007

Video Diary 3
So once again...
Another week has passed us by,
and what have we all learned from it ?

I have learned so much this week its incredible.
The week has been very hectic with alot of work from one minute to another. Didnt get much sleep this week as I would like too. Im a very big sleeper and can stay in bed all day long...... I actually prefer the night compare to day time. feel I'm getting more things sorted out while the rest of the city is sleeping. I guess that might be the entrepreneur in me ?
But I have definitly learned this week how to maximize and to work on my time management between work and non-peak hours.
This week...
I'm very happy especially wih my own merchandise "Universal Player Cap" that Its up for sale NOW through my blog.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Working on my online shop as well for that should be up very soon.
I had a great meting the other day with photographer P Yai about my calender for 2008. Our concept is very interesting and will be something to look out for very soon. I will give you a Hint: Black, hard makeup, loves music, crazy hairstyles, leather etc etc..
Can you guess what it will be ????
The person who can guess what the concept is for 2008 calender , will receive a "Universal player Cap" singed and sent by Airmail from ME to YOU personally. As well get the chance to be posted on my blog "Universal Player".
So please leave me your "PLAYER" comments on the conecept and why YOU should win this prize ?

What else. Hmmmmm
I've also been in contact with some new models that I will be representing for different markets worldwide. So I'm looking forward to that as well.
I'm also very happy about all the emails and enquiries you've been emailing me for the past couple of weeks.
Really doing my best to answer all of your emails ;)
Funny that we havent heard anything from the "PERSON" for sometime now ? I guess the "Person" understood its better to be positive and caring "like us", instead of throwing foul words on beautiful people who doesn't deserve it ;)
if you "The person" read this. I want you know I dont have anything against you personally. Hope we can be friends instead ?Life is short and we should enjoy ourself as much as we can. Love and appreciate eachother everyday.
Hope you"The person" had a great week as well.
You are always welcome to leave your comments on my blog. But in respect though towards me and my readers. Thanks...
Tomorrow I will start my workout again after sometime off...
So You can bet there will be alot of nice PUMP'S to look out for at ;)
Hope YOU had a blissful week and more to come ahead.
Your supermodel,
patrick ;)