Dear Players,
Its sunday night..
How was your easter holiday ?
I have only stayed in the house the hole weekend. Didn’t feel like stepping outside the house. It’s still a bit to cold for me to take a walk around this beautiful city. But its good Its cold. So I can take time to work on my blog and read some books in the house. Been working all weekend with this blog and done the masses of researches about life,internet,business,Turkey, affiliate marketing as well how to outsource a good Bank to do create a offshore account.. And man. I’m telling you its a lot to read and apply.
Except that.. The weekend has been great. Also got some email sent away to different modeling agencies around the world for direct bookings. Will await their answers this week. I also got a contract deal with one agency in South Korea for 2 month stay. But while speaking to them through email. It seems like there is a miss understanding between us, in terms of the contract deal $$$$$. Since I’m a very good hard working model and,do create a lot of value for the agency I’m working with. I wont come to your country to work as a new model for a cheap price. It’s going to cost you $$$$. You play hard ,you win hard.. Since I’ve been in the business long time and have a excellent resume and it still getting stronger everyday.
I now my price and won’t settle for less. I have sent another email to this agency in South Korea yesterday. Will wait and see what they can offer me ?
If not. That’s cool. It wont be my loss anyway...
My father always use to tell me. Patrick know your price, work and value as a professional . And never sell yourself cheap. But of course if people offer you 5 millions USD, and the work goes against your principals. Don’t do it. The money is a small thing...Then he finished off by saying. MONEY ARE ROUND TO ROLE. They always come to you, if you know how to acquire it ;)
I have seen models do anything for money as well not for money. Both ways.... Where’s their dignity. I remember a model telling me in Bangkok. “Of course if Karl Lagerfeld want to fuck me 1000 000 Dollar, I would do it”. Ha ha.. I hope he was joking about that ?
One of the elements why I have been working so well as a model, except my good look’s ;) heee. Its because I’ve always believed in myself,and that have made me to never complain whether the payment is bad or good... Once a person can apply that to his/hers belief, That person won’t have any problem to succeed. But in the same time you as a model need to know when risk as well.. Risks are part of making money. Any investor will tell you that the greater the risks, the bigger the potential returns. Men don't become rich by taking the safe route. It's by means of measured, calculated ventures to the edge that one is rewarded. You must be a brave soldier if you want more for yourself. And your peers will admire you for your willingness to take chances on dicey but profitable opportunities.
So how do you see me,for not taking their offer, which is a better offer then what many models get usually ?
What do you think ?
I’m a stuck up model with the confidence in my ass ?
Or Am I the model who stands out from the rest of the crowd, by being exclusive ?
Anyway, its sunday night.. I shouldn’t be taking like this(Business etc) on holidays.
Hope you Player learned something from this though. Because my english isn’t the best. You need to be able to see between the lines of what I have written. Try to read in the same time visualize how I experience it...
Today two 3 new female models arrived to the model apartment. Two ladies are from Israel and the 3 rd one from Slovakia. Female model ildiko is leaving tomorrow afternoon back home to Budapest(Hungary). We will miss her !
Will see if I can’t get some good interview with the new female models.
Diary 5.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Monday morning 05.10 Am
Posted by
Patrick Ribbsaeter
Sunday, April 08, 2007
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